I Found My Sanity at the Two Dollar Shop

Apparently it is Summer, though if you are in Melbourne today you could be forgiven for thinking that you accidentally slept for six months last night, and woke up in winter.
It’s wet, it’s windy and it’s cold!
Luckily, I have been stocking up my ‘rainy day box’ with cheap craft supplies in anticipation of such a day.
In addition to collecting the odd egg carton and empty toilet rolls, there are some magazines (for cutting out and pasting fun), some glue pens, glitter, pom-poms, coloured feathers, texta’s and stickers. In fact just about everything you’d need to buy yourself 40 minutes of peace…(and 10 minutes of cleaning up afterwards!)
Last week, I picked up a packet of 10 masks from the dollar shop. I got them out on Sunday afternoon and the kids loved them!
Woo proudly showing off his effort.
Foghorn: Yes, it was fun, but I am trying to see the TV now Mum!
Bubble went for a nap, so I’m modelling hers!
The kids faces lit up when I suggested we get the craft box out again today.
“Yay!” Woo pumped the air with his fists. “We can make masks again!”
I think that may possibly have been the best $2 I ever spent!