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I’m Taking Tiger Out of The Naughty Corner…



Tiger Airways,

It is time you and I had a little chat.

Quite frankly, I am disappointed with your behavior.  Very disappointed, but unfortunately not surprised.

Only last year I had to put you in the naughty corner (for an extended amount of time) after I flew to Brisbane with my three young children and experienced appalling customer service.

Not only did your cabin staff on board that particular flight lack common sense, but they were rude and also, to put it mildly, freakin useless!

But, I took you out of the naughty corner and gave you the benefit of the doubt.


After a very fun and inspiring day at the Sydney bloggers brunch, laden down with products to sample, Sarah from Mum’s the Word and I jumped onto the internet to buy ourselves some extra luggage – because as your site warns it costs more to purchase it at the airport.  When this proved impossibly, even to two computer savvy mummy bloggers, we opted to call you.

After waiting for almost 20 minutes to speak to someone, Sarah was informed that extra baggage can only be purchased 4 days prior to the flight.


We were informed that If we wanted to take more luggage it would cost us a whopping $70 for 15 kilos.

Unimpressed with your poor form, I sent you back to the naughty corner Tiger.  As far as I am concerned your behavior is unacceptable.  You would think that you might want to take better care of the few friends you have left, no?

At the airport, however, things went from bad to worse, when the guy on the check out desk took what seemed like forever to check in a family of three.  Approaching the six of us who were still waiting, he asked “Is anyone flying on the 3.50 flight to Melbourne?”

“Yes.” Everyone chorused hopefully.

“Check in has now closed for this flight.”

“But I have been waiting here since 10 to 3,” the young guy at the head of the queue answered looking confused.

That’s a whole hour!

“The line would have been cut off.  You have two options,” the Tiger employee continued, “you can book onto the next available flight at 6.25, but that will cost you $85.  You have half an hour to do this, otherwise, if you come back after this time you will have to purchase a whole new ticket.”

What the…?  What do you mean the line was cut off?  So when you say check in 45 minutes before, you don’t mean 45 minutes at all, you mean we will take our sweet time and tough shit if you don’t make it before the ‘cut off.’

And you don’t mean ‘We remain committed to getting you to where you want to go on time and for consistently the lowest airfare so you can spend more on where you are going.’  What you really mean is ‘We know you chose to fly with us because we are cheap, which probably means that you would like to fly with someone better, but can’t afford to, so we will screw you at every chance we get. ’  <Add fake smiles and oozing insincerity.>

Well, Tiger, I for one am done with you.

If only you could see how your bad behavior is making you unpopular with the Australian public.  If only you knew how they sneer and jibe when someone says that they are playing with you. Tiger – the cheap and nasty, greedy little kid in the airport playground.

I’m doing away with the naughty corner, and I’m done scolding you.

As far as I am concerned Tiger, you can go to your room – you are GROUNDED….forever!


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Have you had a better or worse experience with Tiger airways than this?



Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.