Kids Being Kids

It’s funny how an idea can spring from the strangest of things. isn’t it? You can be going about your day, doing the most mundane of tasks when PING an idea will pounce on you, and the more you think about it, the more you love it! (At least that is usually the way things happen for me.)
This afternoon I posted this on my Facebook page.
As you may imagine, bleary-eyed at 7am I was not impressed. But later, I could see the funny side, (or at least the fact that this maybe one of the incidents we will giggle about in years to come.) The key to surviving parenthood after all, is having a sense of humour.
After washing the dog (who by this stage was being driven out of his mind by the smell of the spread in the hard to reach bits on his back and between his ears, I grabbed an oat bar from the pantry and sat down with a well-deserved cuppa.
This is when I had my light bulb moment!
The oat bar…it’s all about the oat bar! Have you seen the Uncle Toby’s advert? You know the one where the kids run amok, being kids, and doing the stuff that we did as kids, until we got all boring and grown-up, and lost that magic of childhood.
So, my idea is this:
I would like to ask the Mums lounge community to join me in celebrating our precious children by sending us a photo of your kid being a kid!
We want to see them jumping in puddles, digging in the dirt, living in the moment and doing what they do best – being kids!
I will compile them into a video montage and publish it on New Years Eve, so we can look back collectively on the last year of motherhood.
So if you would like to be a part of this all you have to do is:
Send your favourite photograph of your ‘kids being kids’ from 2012 to [email protected] before December 28th.
Make the heading of your email ‘KIDS BEING KIDS’
Please only send one image per child or one per family as we will endeavor to include ALL photos we receive.
Please note that by submitting your photo you are giving us permission to publish it on our website.