Kinder-Duty is the Bomb!

Last week I had my first experience of kinder duty.
Thankfully, before we entered his classroom, The Woo kindly pointed out that one of Bubbles bogies had somehow attached itself to my forehead during the course of my struggle to strap her wriggling bottom into the car seat. Phew! That could have been embarrassing!
I have to admit that initially the noise level in the room was a little overwhelming and I did regret my wine consumption from the previous evening, just a tad. The excited chatter of fourteen four-year olds is not for the faint-hearted, that’s for sure.
But, you’ll be please to know, not only did I survive the two hours, I loved it.
I travelled into the outer-reaches of space in a rocket ship. I floated around the surface of the moon, being extra careful not to squash the ant-sized aliens who live there, and I survived the asteroid shower on the journey home.
I ate imaginary watermelon, (which I highly recommend) and sipped imaginary water from a plastic cup which smelt of play-doh.
I was told by a beautiful little girl that I have hairy legs like her daddy, which I suppose serves me right for thinking that I could wear my three-quarter jeans and only shave around my ankles. Next time I must remember to allow for cross-legged-related material movement. I think mid-calf should just about cover it.
I also had a wonderful time digging for buried treasure in the sand pit with some friendly, vigilante pirates who apparently like to kill ‘bad guys.’ I would like to say a special thank you to them for teaching me all about the finer points of shark poo. Who would have thought it could be such a riveting conversation piece?
And I enjoyed it so much, I’ll be putting my name down for kinder duty again…just as soon as I manage to get all the glitter and glue out of my hair!
Have you had any fun or humorous experinces whilst doing kinder-duty?