Ladies: A Call to Arms! (Or Feet Rather.)

Dear Women of the World,
We are fighting an invisible evil – an evil that creeps into our lives and laundry baskets on a daily basis. It is an evil that feeds not upon our souls, but upon the very fibres of our freshly laundered socks…and only ever one from any pair…and never the one with the hole in the toe…always the good one!
We call him the SOCK MONSTER… (although I have a sneaking suspicion that he is also partial to chewing bra hooks out of shape and dislodging underwires, but I am yet to find any hard evidence to support this.)
So what are we to do? How can we overcome this monumental pain in the derriere’s of laundry-doers the world over? How do we secure a world for our children in which they no longer have to hop to school on one foot?
I say to you today, my friends, so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the laundry pile.
I have a dream that one day this nation’s women will rise up as one to overcome their missing sock issues.
I have a dream that one day my three little children will be able to go to their sock drawers and find lots of neatly bundled paired up socks.
I have a dream today.
So what d’you say ladies?
I propose a National Sock-Pairing Day! Let’s all come together with our washing basket of odd socks. Let’s share and support one another to find those socks a new mate. Let’s show that sock monster that he will not break us!