My Cinderella Syndrome – What is a Girl to do?

This time next week I will be at the much awaited blogging event of the year – the Digital Parents Conference in Melbourne.
I am excited, and a tad nervous too. I’ll get to attend workshops, and listen to inspirational bloggers share their wisdom, and meet with brands and…and (could this be my favourite part of the whole event) …of course there is the dinner and dance in the evening! I can’t wait to let my hair down and have a dance and a giggle with some of my online friends in real life!
Last night I received an email from the gorgeous Nicole from Miss Bella Blooms Creations offering to create something beautiful to wear in my hair to the Conference.
Check out Miss Bella Blooms Creations Facebook page for other stunning bridal, debutante, special occasions peices.
As I am sure you can imagine, I was very excited. Luckily for her she approached me by email as I think if I had seen her in person and she suggested it, I might have squeezed her so hard her head would have popped clean off her shoulders!
Shortly after accepting this kind offer I counted down the days to the conference, and then realized with horror that I had a far more pressing problem than what to wear to my brother-in-law’s girlfiends 30th in April…what was I going to wear to the Conference dinner and dance next Friday? Arghhhhh!
Anyhoo – internet to the rescue…I quickly found and ordered (and when I say quickly, of course I mean that I spent almost 4 hours looking) a little black dress.
Black dress with cut out back from ASOS
Ahhhh…panic averted! (Or so I thought!)
This morning I decided to put my favourite killer heels aside ready for Friday…which is when I realized my problem…
I have managed to lose one of them. (Possibly left behind at a hotel after Hubbster’s Christmas work break up).
Yes! That’s right. I only have one. And I am distraught.
I have a packet of Tim Tams in the cupboard that I am trying desperately not to take my frustration out on. Sorry Tim Tams, it is only a matter of time!
Not only were they my favourite pair only pair of good shoes, they not only ticked the sexy box, they also ticked the I-can-walk-in-them-without-falling-over box AND the I’ll never-make-you-uncomfortable-or give-you-blisters box.
I have spent the morning Googling those damn shoes and do you think I can get another pair anywhere.
Sob sob…
So, it seems that Cinderella will need to either get a new pair of shoes (which was definitely not in my budget) or learn to hop (and dance) on one foot if she is to go to the ball.
Or maybe the gorgeous head piece will dazzle and wow everyone enough that they won’t notice me wearing a battered old pair of havianas?