Cinderella’s Lust List

As you may, or may not know, I am suffering from an acute case of Cinderella Syndrome. I have somehow, managed to lose one of my favourite sexy heels and I am not happy Jan!
So after turning my floor-drobe upside down in an effort to find it, and then spending an hour or two moping and sulking as it has clearly left the building (or more probably got left in a hotel room after Hubbster’s Christmas break up)…I have decided to take it as a sign, from the Shoe Gods, that it is time to funk up the footwear and take a risk.
That’s right. I’m toying with the idea of getting me shome shuper shexy shoes (that’s right, I’m bringing out the Sean Connery accent again for added sexy effect.)
So…if you should bump into me at the end of the evening at the Digital Parents Conference next Friday and you hear me talking, with a glass of wine in my hand, I am not slurring…I’m being shexy…okay?!
So anyway…I’ve compiled something of a LUST LIST…(now I just have to hope that at least one pair of them come in a size 8 and can be delivered by Thursday) and I will have averted a disaster and will be spared from having to hop around all night on my one remaining shoe. They are…or perhaps I should say, it is comfortable, but I doubt even my favourite shoe could stand up to a one-legged boogie-fest.
What do you think? I’m open to suggestions!