My Husband’s Affair….The Whirlpool Romance!

Those of you who follow me on my Jolene’s Mumbo Jumbo Facebook page, may remember that a few weeks ago my washing machine broke down. Caput!
I’ll be totally honest with you. I had never liked that horrid top-loading machine anyway. It would chew and stretch and bobble-up my clothes and it would jump across the laundry room floor from one end to the other if you put one sock too many in it. Many nights in fact I have laid awake plotting it’s demise. So when it did finally carked it earlier last month, I was secretly pleased, but still greatly inconvenienced.
We had no choice but to get a new one. With three small children who seem incapable of wearing anything for more than three consecutive minutes without looking as though they have been dragged through a hedge backwards, and the mountainous volumes of washing they produce, getting a new one pronto was a necessity.
In the end, I agreed, rather unwillingly, to let Hubbster go washing machine shopping alone! With the stipulation that under absolutely no circumstances was he to return with a top-loader.
Darling, try not to look so horrified! Surprisingly this tale has a happy (but also interesting) ending.
Later that day, after a visit to the Good Guys on his way home from work, Hubbster returned home with this little beauty.
Come to Mumma!
I’ll spare you all the specifics, but suffice it to say, ‘she’ is awesome. I love her!
But…and this is the interesting bit, hubbster loves her too. When I say loves her, I mean he gets up in the mornings and puts on the washing before I get a chance. If she is on in the evening he will just pop his head into the laundry and marvel at how quiet and beautiful she is! When friends or family come to visit, he steers them directly to the laundry to show her off.
I’m not even exaggerating!
And so, it has led me to the conclusion that the marketing/designing peeps at Whirlpool are freaking genius.’ You see I believe there are 3 factors that led Hubbster to select this particular washing machine.

The similarities, I am sure you will agree are striking!
I am almost convinved that this is what his subconscious mind saw when he picked this model out!
So, with this in mind, I’d love you to help me with a little experiment.
Whilst I am strictly against testing on animals, testing on husband and boyfriends in the name of science and social media exeriments is totally acceptable…and fun!
So here is what I’d like you to do…
Show the male in your life these images of washing machines and ask him to choose one….and then leave me a little message to let me know which one.
My theory is that my lipstick-wearing model is going to appeal to the male eye! Followed very closely by the rather macho looking black one.
Let’s see shall we?
FYI: They are all have a 10kg capacity with a 4.5 star rating…so we are looking at what is aesthetically appealing. 🙂