Newa Skin Rejuvenation System Review – Final Thoughts

Disclosure: HoMedics gifted me a Newa Skin Rejuvenation System for the purpose of an honest review
Back in December last year, some of you may remember me introducing you to the Newa Skin Rejuvenation System.
For those of you who don’t – let me give a brief recap.
What is the Newa Skin Rejuvenation System?
As we age our skin begins to lose collagen, which is what gives the skin its shape. This is the cause of fine lines, deep wrinkles and sagging skin (which it’s pretty safe to say, no of us want!) Newa is clinically proven to reactivate your skin’s natural ability to produce collagen. More natural collagen means your skin is lifted and plumped up, so genuinely reducing wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes, face and neck.
The most efficient way to produce new collagen is by bringing heat to the deep levels of the skin which keeps the skin tight.
Newa works by delivering energy 3 layers deep into your skin, reactivating the natural collagen producing process to lift and smooth wrinkles naturally.
Nothing else can do this – no skincare cream can reach these cells and fillers and chemicals can’t achieve this.
My Experience with the Newa Skin Rejuvenation
Although over the busy Christmas period and Summer school holidays, I did often forget to keep up with my Newa routine – I have since restarted my 40 day challenge this year.
- As previously explained the Newa Rejuvenation is really easy to use, and the beauty of being able to use it in your own home means that you can get your beauty fix whenever you get 20 minutes to yourself. (No planning ahead and making appointments!)
- Read Say Goodbye to Wrinkles? Newa Skin Rejuvenation System Review for more information on how to use it.
- I really love how my skin feels straight after each treatment – it feels tighter and plumper, and really soft.
- The Newa system does cause reddening to the skin, but in my experience it only last around 20 minutes after the treatment, and can easily be covered with your usual make-up if you are in a hurry to leave the house.
- The activator gel does need to be replaced ($59.95) – which I find lasts me around 15 treatments or approx 1 month if I use the Newa twice a week. I know many of us mums find it hard to justify spending that amount on ourselves, but I figure it’s way cheaper than having a facial done in a salon (which incidentally I would never find the money or time for ordinarily!)
- Fortunately, I don’t yet have too many lines and wrinkles, but I do intend to continue using the Newa Skin Rejuvenation System as a preventative measure.
Newa is a Skin Rejuvenation System that reduces wrinkles naturally. Clinically proven to firm, tighten and lift skin by reactivating your skin’s natural ability to produce collagen. Newa reduces wrinkles by up to 45% in just 12 weeks all in the comfort of your own home. For more information visit