One Mum’s Inspiring Story and How It Could Help You Enjoy Motherhood More

One Mum’s Inspiring Story and
How to Banish Your Negative Feelings & Enjoy Motherhood
It seems like the secret that our mothers and their mothers before them strove so desperately to protect is out! *Gasp
Motherhood is a tough gig! *Shock horror!
That’s right, I said it, and I for one am glad that women are now talking about their difficulties and their challenges of the every day parenting kind. it was about time someone let the cat out of teh bag.
Looking around us at other mums, we often fall into the trap of thinking that everyone else is doing it so much easier, so much better, right?
Feeling inadequate as a mum, battling mother-guilt, feeling overwhelmed and losing the plot and YELLING at your kids so hard you almost burst a blood vessel in your temple, whilst not ideal, is certainly not uncommon.
In her book, The Happy Mums Handbook, Jackie Hall details her early experience of being a mum of two young boys, and how one day, the negative feelings all came to a horrifying head.
So here I was back to my messy house and whinging children, when Cody pushed my buttons one last time before I fell apart. I clearly remember standing in the kitchen holding Ryan in my arms, screaming at Cody (and I mean literally screaming, in a high-pitched, psychotic rage) to ‘SHUT UP AND STOP WHINGEING!’
I threw a loaf of bread across the room and slammed a nearby bread knife on the kitchen bench so hard that it bounced off the bench and narrowly missed Cody’s head. I screamed, ‘I HATE MY LIFE!’ and ran out of the kitchen into my bedroom, crying uncontrollably, like a teenager having a tantrum, all with Ryan still on my hip.
The details will be different of course, but many mums will identify with the feelings that Jackie describes. Many women also live this repetitive cycle of getting angry, losing the plot, feeling guilty, crying and then hating themselves for their behaviour.
Luckily, this story has a happy ending. As Jackie goes on to explain, something extraordinary happened that day as she sat bawling on the bed.
I remember vividly – sitting there on the edge of my bed – the moment when my tears were interrupted by this overpowering voice in my mind. It was so clear and I still remember its message. It said:
No one can change this for you. No one can change how you feel about your life. Only you can.
Fuelled by her new revelation Jackie set out to change the course of her own life and referred back to a old passion of hers – personal development. Trawling the internet and her vast array of self help books Jackie found that there was very little information about the emotional aspect of becoming a mum. There was of course copious amounts of information about how to raise kids and general information that suggested that mums take time out and walk away when feeling angry. But, Jackie realized there seemed to be nothing to help women to change their thinking and actually deal with the negative emotions that they are experiencing.
Jackie has since completed extensive training with the Anti-Depression Association of Australia (ADAA), become one of their life coaches and course facilitators and has learnt their unique, simple and effective method for treating – and in many cases curing – psychological stress, depression and anxiety.
As a result of her unerring passion for helping other mums Jackie has written the ‘The Happy Mum Handbook,’ developed workshops and founded the post-partum depression recovery program, and is now also running a FREE webinar.
The FREE webinar will run on Tuesday 14th February at 8.30pm AEST to teach mums her simple, easy to remember 5 step process so you can begin to enjoy motherhood. Whether you are the mum of a newborn, or of a teenager, Jackie will help you say goodbye to those negative feelings and help you to stop feeling angry, stressed, sad, down, lonely or depressed.
You will leave this FREE webinar knowing the exact cause of your stress (and this bit might suprise you), but more importantly what you can do to change it.
So, if you can identify with the feeling discussed above, make this date in the calendar for yourself. Make this the turning point in your life and take back the reins of your own life. Jackie is as dedicated as she is passionate about helping mums to regain a healthy mindset, and she answers ALL questions that are put to her during the FREE webinar.
If you are a newbie at webinars, don’t be put off – it really is very simple. After registering you will be given a link – all you do is click this link at 8.30pm AEST (Melbourne time) on Tuesday 14th February and you’ll be there (in your PJ’s or with a glass of wine if you like!)
This may be just the ‘me-time’ that you need and deserve.
I hope to see you there.