Only Hearts Should Be Worn on Sleeves: What Children Really Think About Mum Bloggers

‘A person who publishes a book, wilfully appears before the populace with his pants down.’
~ Edna St. Vincent Millay
If it is true that authors (and I am sure old Edna would have agreed, bloggers too, if the internet had been invented in the early 1900’s) bravely expose a very private part of themselves to the public to be enjoyed and also scrutinised, then it must be said that Kellie O’Brien has done that beautifully and unashamedly…and in her maternity underwear at that!
In 2007, journalist Kellie O’Brien, finding herself in the family way, began writing a regular feature column in The Advocate newspaper called ‘Mum’s the Word.’ It is easy to see why this column would be so popular. Nothing, it seems, is too private or embarrassing to share, not even the time that she sneezed eight times and wet her pants! Oh, and there is plenty more snorts and giggles where that came from!
For those of us who may have missed it the first time around, there is happy news! In conjunction with The Advocate Newspaper, Kellie has just released the hilarious columns into an ebook for new and old readers to enjoy; Only Hearts Should be Worn on Sleeves; The Snotty Truth About Motherhood. If you scoot across to see Kylie Ofiu and Veronica Foal you might even be able to WIN a copy!
But what about little Ella, I hear you cry! What does she think about all this? Well…here she is to tell us…
What Children Really Think About Mum Bloggers
Hi, my name is Ella and my mum’s a blogger and author. If I’d known my life was going to be made this public I probably would have chosen a different mother. OK, if I’m perfectly honest, I’m glad she was chosen as my mum. She seems to love me more than other kids’ mums love me.
My Mum thought it would be cute – funny even – to document in a newspaper and later a blog, every moment of my riveting life. From my first bowel movements, which apparently “stuck like newly laid road tar to a wombat’s bum’’ to the video of a horrified four-year-old me watching my dad eat Easter Bunny poo.
I’m certain blogging gives Mum super powers though. She can tweet like a bird, pin without using anything remotely resembling a sharp end and can blog and still know if I’m mining for nuggets, also known as boogers, when her back’s turned.
But I couldn’t do without my Mum. Not because she cleans the house – she stopped doing that when she discovered WordPress – but because she’s wooed the postman into bringing me all manner of gifts. Although, we don’t play with them together, because she’s too busy doing a blog review on them.
She does play games with me though. After repeating 22 times: “Mum, can you get off the computer and play with me, pleeeeeeese’’, she will log out for 30 minutes to create a crafty masterpiece with me. Followed by three hours photographing and then posting a tutorial for it. Seriously, if I have to pose with one more toilet roll holder…
I worry about her. I’d like her to get out and make some friends. She claims she faces them in books every day and is very linked in with them. This all proves she obviously has spare time on her hands. Other activities in her spare time include unpacking the dishwasher and making the bed. She didn’t have any spare time yesterday though, obviously. Tomorrow… maybe.
Were you born to a mum blogger or do you know a mum blogger? What traits have you noticed?
Kellie O’Brien is a journalist, funny mummy blogger, mum to two li’l princesses and a li’l princess herself, at just 150cms. OK, so that’s being a tad generous. At Three Li’l Princesses, she provides a look inside the life of Tasmania’s “other” princess – all minus Princess Mary’s style. She is also author of the new ebook Only Hearts Should Be Worn On Sleeves: The Snotty Truth About Motherhood.
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