Perspective: A Lesson on Getting What You Want

Perspective: A Lesson on Getting What You Want
The time has come, regretfully, for Bubble to say goodbye to the safe confines of her little cot and upsize to a big girl’s bed. I say regretfully because it will signify the end of an era in my mothering career. No more babies. No more cots. It also means an end to putting her down easily at bedtime – at least until we are through the transitional ‘oh-I-can-actually-get-out’ stage.
So, the hunt for a suitable bed began (online, where else?) last week. Peeking over my shoulder at my list of watched items on Ebay last week, Bubble’s little face lit up as she pointed her chubby little finger at the pink Princess carriage bed and said “Bubble’s bed? Bubble Princess!” (Actually that’s a lie. She used her real name, cos that would just be weird!)
Before I knew it she had grabbed the ipad and planted a sticky, sloppy wet smackerooney of a kiss on the screen, just to make sure I got the hint.
‘We’ll see,” I assured her, when what I really meant was “fat chance your Dad will agree to that one, babydoll. Trust me, if he had his way, you’d be in the cot until you were at least 27!”
But in her disarmingly charming little manner she had already sealed my resolve to get her that bad. Yeah, I know. Sucker!
A few days later, on a late night Google frenzy, I came across the ultimate carriage bed. I shit you not, You have never seen anything like it.
Which is when it struck me. This unbelievably outrageous bed was my ticket to securing the Princess carriage bed I want (I mean) Bubble wants.
So…choosing my timing wisely, (because timing is also a MAJOR factor in gettng what you want) I approached the subject with Hubbster like this.
“Holy crap! That is insane.”
“What is?”
Great, I have his attention. Turning the laptop around to face him I said “I’ve found Bubble’s big girl bed.
Handcrafted in England, the Fantasy Carriage starts at *cough, yes starts at, a meager $47,000
from Poshtots
Cue, a number of unrepeatable expletives from Hubbster and utter incredulity that ANYONE would actually own one of these babies.
“Nah, just kidding,” I smiled (hoping to hell that she had inherited her disarming charm from your truly). “ But I have found her bed. What do you think of this one?”
That’s right. Suddenly, it didn’t seem extravagant to spend twice what he’d we’d expected on a bed!
It should be in the mail next week. Woot Woot!
Hey, don’t look at me like that. It’s called using your initiative, or something like that. I prefer wily woman to master manipulator…but can it be a coincidence that the word starts with ‘man?’ That’s right girls, we were born to do this shizz!
How do you go about getting what you want?
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