So…Will You Be Having a ‘Yes-yes-yes-vember’ or a NOvember?

Some chicks have all the fun, eh?
I’m referring of course to the fabulous Daisy from Daisy, Roo & Two and The 30 Day Sex Challenge she has embarked upon with husband ‘Pal the baker.’
Whilst I am usually quite up for a bit of horizontal limbo dancing with Hubbster beneath the sheets, my month is looking set to be more of a NO-vember…than a Yes-yes-YESvember, like Daisy will be getting.
You see on the 7th June 2009 (the day after Foghorn’s first birthday) with the help of the Champix tablets (available on prescription) Hubbster quit smoking. I was, of course, so overjoyed that I forgave him the fact that he was three pregnancies behind on his promise to quit. (Yes! I was already pregnant with Bubble on Foghorn’s 1st birthday).
But..sheesh…what’s a few contractions and stretchmarks between lovers eh?
I confess, that after The Woo was born I was more than slightly annoyed that he hadn’t made good on his promise.
If I can turn my vagina inside out and birth a child, I thought (yes! I am quite vulgar when I’m alone and talking to myself) I’m sure he can stop bloody smoking.
But he didn’t.
Then Foghorn came along and he still didn’t quit smoking.
By the time I was pregnant with Bubble, I had given up and had quit nagging.
Which of course was when he decided to stop. I just needed to give him the space to feel like it was his idea!
Anyway, contrary to my expectations, with the help of Champix, he stopped smoking…for 2 years.
A few months ago however, Hubbster lost his dad in very sudden and tragic circumstances. At his dad’s funeral he lit up a cigarette, telling himself that he’d only smoke for the day.
But it wasn’t just for the day. It started with having a drag here and there and that quickly turned to pinching a whole cigarette off a friend. Before he knew it, they had taken hold of him again and he was back to approx 20 cigarettes a day.
Well, I’m happy to say that he has been back to the doctor and has got himself the Champix tablets again. He has been taking them for the last two weeks…and he will have his last cigarette today.
Isn’t that great news?
Not so great though is the fact that I have agreed to, in the spirit of support (and mutual suffering of having to give up something you love) forgo my glass(es) of wine in the evening when the kids have gone to bed.
I know!
Crazy, huh?
So whilst Pal the baker is kneeding Daisy’s buns and turning up the temperature in the bedroom, Hubbster and I will be doing our very best to say NO this No-vember.
Who knows, if we have made it to the end of the months without killing one another, perhaps we might take up Daisy’s challenge next month.
Well…it is Christmas!
And who knows, with all that money we don’t spend on wine and cigarettes, perhaps I’ll be able book an appointment at the hairdressers and get those hide roots seen to!
So…anyone else game to give-up something with me for NO-vember?