Stickers Just Became Even More A-Peeling with Woolworths Earn and Learn

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I have never EVER met a child who doesn’t love stickers!
Seriously – have you? Many blissful minutes of peace have been secured with a little book of stickers, both at home and on car trips, let me tell you!
Perhaps I should have said I have never met a parent who doesn’t love stickers! Ha!
Thanks to Woolworths Earn and Learn campaign I have a few other reasons to love stickers lately too.
- My daughter – desperate to have the honour of placing the Earn and Learn stickers onto the sticker sheet, actually cleaned her room last week. Without being asked! I almost fell over from shock! (Granted she did hide several dolls in the bottom of her wardrobe to give the appearance of a clean room – but that could very well be a ‘cleaning-style’ she has observed her mother employing when Nana knocks on the door unexpectedly!)
- My kids actually look forward to coming grocery shopping with me at the moment. Instead of dragging their feet as we go up and down the aisles, pulling faces and muttering the word “bored” – they are actually excited to help and get the job done as quickly as possible – so they can make it to the checkout and see “how many stickers mum scored this time.”
- I love that my family is able to contribute something back to our community and school just by doing something I would do anyway – namely buy groceries to feed my family.
Are you collecting the Earn and Learn stickers from Woolworths too?
Basically for every $10 you spend at Woolworths, you’ll earn 1 Earn and Learn sticker. Place your stickers on your stickers sheet and when it is complete drop it into the collection point either in store or at your local school or Early Learning Centre.
You have until Tuesday 8th September to collect Earn and Learn stickers for your school or centre. After this time, Woolworths will count up your school/centres points and they can be redeemed for some new educational equipement.
Through their last Earn and Learn program, Woolworths were able to give 14,500 Schools and Early Learning Centres access to a whole new range of educational equipment. Let’s help this year to continue to make a difference and start collecting today.
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Woolworths. However all thoughts and opinions are my own.