The Best Wedding Entrance EVER!

Best Wedding Entrance EVER!
We all love a good wedding right? And let’s be honest, there are few of us that haven’t wished that we’d been the ones to pull out the killer thriller moves with our bridal party! Youtube is full of couples carving up the dance floor with surprise dance moves to entertain their guests…but, I have found the best wedding entrance ever!
A few years ago, at a friend’s wedding, Hubbster and I met a couple called Kate and Carlo Melino. The groom laughed out loud as he recounted the day he had attended their wedding, and the unique and hilarious way they had made their grand entrance in to their wedding reception.
Well, much to my delight, this evening as I was cruising around Facebook, I saw that a friend had shared the video…and it is every bit as awesome as everyone said it was!
You just know they are going to have a fun-filled life together don’t you?
What is the best wedding surprise you’ve heard of?