The Magic of Family Photograph Albums

One of the things my sister and I loved to do when we were younger, was to look through the family photo albums together. Often when I visit my family on the Gold Coast I will still drag out those big heavy books and spend a happy hour lying on the carpet flicking through the pages.
Yesterday, with the wind howling outside and the rain coming down in sheets, the children and I huddled up in our purpose built doona-cubbie in the front room.
“What are we going to do now Mum?” asked Foghorn as the Movie credits rolled onto the screen.
I was far too comfy where I was, and enjoying the calmness, and the closeness.
“I know,” I said walking to the bookshelf and pulling down some books that were kept up high out of reach. Let’s look at your baby pictures!”
We laughed until our sides hurt as the images of my babies on the page triggered memories and I told the children stories about when they were very small.
The Woo was a notoriously bad sleeper and would have one eye back open before I’d reached the nursery door to make my escape.
Foghorn on the other hand would giggle in pure delight as we got ever closer to his cot – he loved, and still loves his sleep.
“Where’s me?” asked Bubble.
“You weren’t born yet?”
“Oh,” she looked disappointed.
I hurriedly flicked to the back of the book to reveal a tiny pink bundle cradled in my arms in a hospital bed. She was delighted, but I suddenly realised how my conscientious album making had come to an abrupt end soon after her birth.
“Tell us that story again Mum about when I was a baby and wee’d on the doctor,” said Woo already beside himself laughing at the thought of it.
“No, no…tell us the one about you and Dad looking at baby photos,” said Foghorn insistently.
“Oh yeah!” the Woo collapsed into a fit of giggles. “Yeah, tell us that one first…that is so funny.”
“Well, when Woo was born, I got out all the photographs I could find of Dad and I when we were babies so that we could see who Woo looked like. I spread them all out on the kitchen table and called Dad to have a look.
“Ewwww,” said Dad. “You weren’t a very cute baby were you?” and I said ‘Yes, I was!”
“No you weren’t,” said Dad. “You’ve got a head like a hard boiled egg.”
“Where?” I asked him.
He pointed to a photograph of a baby in a long white frilly gown. “See!” he said!
“Yes,” I agreed. That isn’t a very cute baby photo at all – shame that is you!!!”
The kids all fell about laughing – those uncontrollable, contagious belly laughs, and I promised myself to make the time over the coming months to go through the thousands of photographs on the computer and update our family albums.
Do you make digital photo albums? Which program/website is your favourite? I need some recommendations!