The Vasectomy Poem

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Inspired by Reservoir Dad’s impending vasectomy today I wrote a little poem.
I’m dedicating it to Hubbster, Reservoir Dad and all the other men that have stepped up and had the snip!
The Vasectomy Poem
It’s time we had a little chat
Please try not to be sookie
Unless you get the snip my dear,
There will be no more nookie!
It’s really time that you stepped up,
My bodies been to hell and back,
And now it’s stretched and out of shape,
At least it’s just your sack!
I’ll come with you to the doctors
And I’ll be there to mop your brow
And whisper ‘just push through the pain!”
Drug-free not so good now?
But please take comfort in the fact,
As your screaming fills the halls
Of the surgeons sterile clinic
Getting a vasectomy takes balls!
~ Jolene Humphry
If you haven’t yet met Reservoir Dad, check out his hilarious blog
I’d love you to pop over to Reservoir Dad’s Facebook page and give him a big pat on the back – just be gentle. He may be a little sore!