Wednesday from the Wardrobe #5: You Ain’t Got no-thing If You Ain’t Got no Bling!
So, as you all probably know (and are no doubt absolutely sick of hearing about) last Friday was the Digital Parents Conference in Melbourne.
The day-long events finished at 5pm, and I dashed down to reception to get a cab to take me across town to the Novotel on Collins Street so that I could get washed and dressed ready for the dinner and dance starting at 7pm.
Two hours would be plenty of time…right?
But, of course, I was not the only person at the Sebel Hotel in Albert Park, needing a taxi, and when I did finally get one, I had also forgotten to factor in how much time it would take in peak hour traffic.
My lovely two hours, in which I was imagining a leisurely lie on the bed to decompress after the day, a chat on the phone with my family, and perhaps even a nice soak in the bath, before making a brief appearance in the Novotel bar for a quick glass of vino before dashing back off to the Sebel in a cab turned into a flannel wash affair and a mad rush.
I was ready in a record 11 minutes, thanks to pre-done hair the night before, a fake tan which meant that I only needed to pop on some eye-make-up and lippy, and the fact that I had only brought one dress – so I couldn’t try on the whole contents of my wardrobe trying to decide what to wear.
This is my GHD curled hair on Thursday night. I slept on my face and breathed through my ears that night and woke in the most uncomfortable contorted position to find that both Woo and Foghorn had crept into the bed in the night. Needless to say the first thing I did was leap out of bed and cjeck my smooth tresses for any signs of snot. Phew! Safe!

This is me trying it on excitedly when the postman delivered it last week.
Isn’t it gorgeous?
And luckily for me it matched perfectly with a diamanté chocker necklace that I already had.
Bling! Bling!
And shoes? Of course. What shoes did I wear? Well these babies caught my eye as I passed Payless Shoes last week and seemed to fit with the Bling theme perfectly.
Me all dressed up (with zombie-eyes!)
I admit, I did take my pretty flat sandals with me though as I didn’t fancy my chances of simultaneously consuming wine and dancing the night away without doing myself an injury. I’m a little out of practice when it comes to heels since the advent of having to buy a pram.
Of course, there were some other very interesting accessories floating around the Plenary room that night – particularly in the vicinity of the photo booth.
The gorgeous Sarah from Mums the Word
Two lovely ladies – Shelly from Tropical Mum and Caz from The Truth About Mummy
The fabulous Fiona from My Mummy Daze
And the completey cracked Gemma from My Big Nutshell
You didn’t really think you’d got away with it, did you girls?