10 Adorable Pet Instagram Accounts To Help See You Through Self Isolation!
If you feel like you’ve woken up in an episode of the Twilight Zone, you’re not alone. Who would of ever imagined that we would be lining up to buy toilet paper or that we would be rationed to only one packet of pasta per person? Yet here we are!
It truly is a new way of living for all of us. The self isolation, the social distancing and the lock downs are all aspects of life we never thought we’d be experiencing. And while we have no control over what the world is going through at the moment, we do have control over how we spend our time.
Spending more time at home means a chance to reconnect with family and discovering new things to do together- like following new Instagram accounts! In fact, we’ve put together some of the CUTEST pet accounts to keep you smiling during these uncertain times. Seriously, there is no way you can look at these adorable pooches and not crack a smile.
Go on, check them out!
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During our isolation, we are experimenting with new hairdos. What are some things you are doing? Let me know below. Need some ideas. Haha On a more serious note, it’s SO important that EVERYONE stays home as much as possible, regardless of your age or health, & practice social distancing if you must go out. Wash your hands often and for at least 20 seconds, and disinfect things you touch a lot. Please don’t hoard when you shop because things will restock, and if you can, refrain from buying things you might not need as much as others. For example, if you don’t have a baby or small children, please don’t buy loads of baby-wipes. Moms like me are having a hard time finding them. Also, PLEASE think about your neighbours, especially seniors. Reach out and ask if they need anything. And call people in general to see how they are. If you have grandparents, I know they would LOVE to hear from you! And if you can, foster an animal during this time. They make for great companions during isolation but it also helps alleviate shelters that are at capacity. And if you can’t do that, please donate to a shelter you support. These are just some suggestions, but more than anything, please take this seriously for the well-being of others. It’s really important! Thank you and love you all.