A Man Created A Guide For Males On How To Date Women Based On Their Nails And He Might Be Onto Something!

A Man Created A Guide For Males On How To Date Women Based On Their Nails And He Might Be Onto Something!
Say hello to Marwan Alteir, also known as Rocky. He’s a guy who’s done a whole lot of research for his fellow man to help them avoid heartbreak. How, you may ask? The 26 year old believes that there’s a direct link between a woman’s nail type and her personality.
In fact he’s so convinced that he put out a book which outlines different nail styles and the adjoining personalities that usually accompany them. The guide aims to help men avoid heartache and drama by simply following his rules.
Rocky has outlined everything from the shape of the nail to the colour. Even going as far as outlining which nail types are more likely to stab you while you sleep!
According to Rocky, bold and bright colours with sharp edges means you’re more likely to have your balls cut off at the hands of the wearer if you end up pissing her off.
Whereas neutral tones and shades with softer edges are usually a good sign. However, the wearer of neutral sides can go both ways. Neutral isn’t always a guarantee so beware!
Designs like Mountain Peak, Stiletto, or Arrow Head all carry big risk factors, but Rocky says there’s hope for those. He says you may be able to placate the woman by purchasing her pho or boba tea.
In an interview with Buzzfeed, Marwan said he began compiling information for his guide back in the summer of 2018, but took his time to gather real data, as he wanted his guide to be as scientific as possible.
When asked about what prompted this book he said it was all about protecting the physical and mental health of his bros.
“I created this research to protect my bros around the world. They need to know what they’re getting into. I’m pretty confident on my research, but like I said, results will vary. I actually started the guide back in 2018 around summertime. I knew exactly what I wanted to do and how I wanted to present it, but getting the data was the hardest part.”
While the guide is meant to be very tongue in cheek, Rocky says hours of research and scientific methodology went into him conducting his study.
“Research was conducted with 20 male friends and 10 male strangers. I showed each of them diagrams and images. If more than one guy said the same thing about a particular nail, it would go on the book,” he said.
The book has been met with approval by his ‘bros’ but women have been less forgiving. “I had a girl DM me that she hates me because I cracked the code and let out the secrets. She said she was going find where I live and burn the book,” he said.
What do you think? Can you really tell a woman’s personality by her nails? There’s nothing in Rocky’s book about short, stubby bitten nails though….wonder what that says about me? Probably that I should stop biting my nails I’m guessing.
Images: Twitter