Bill legalising same-sex adoption passes in Victorian Upper House

Victoria’s Upper House passed legislation on Thursday night (31 to 8) to legalise adoption by same-sex couples, but with an exemption for faith-based adoption services.
The bill now needs to go back to the Lower House for approval.
Victorian Minister for Equality Martin Foley said the Government was yet to decide if it would accept the amended legislation.
“In the delivery of state services, the Liberal Party voted to continue allowing discrimination against same-sex families and their children,” he said.
“Relinquishing parents in adoption have and will continue to have every right under the adoption act to make sure that their children go to families and circumstances that they wish.
“We don’t see why we should take a position that allows any level of discrimination, having said that, a giant step for equality was taken, there was still sadly, work to be done.”
In debating the bill Liberal MP Bernie Finn said he did not want to go back to the days of “poofter bashing” but said that his first priority was the rights of children.
“I am not convinced that same-sex adoption is in the best interests of children … that is not to say that many same-sex couples are not superb parents,” he said.