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Bride Kicks Her Sister Out of Her Wedding Reception Because of Her Son’s Behaviour – Did She Over-React?

Bride Kicks Her Sister Out of Her Wedding Reception Because of Her Son’s Behaviour – Did She Over-React?

We often hear of brides throwing hissy fits either before or during their weddings, and a lot of them seem to be over-reacting to the slightest of issues. We get it, though. For the amount of money and pressure of perfection that soon-to-be-married couples face leading up to their weddings, we can easily see how important ‘little’ details might seem to them at the time.

But when it comes to boundaries that have been set well before the wedding day, is it too much to ask that your closest family members respect them and not overstep?

A newlywed has reached out for justification for kicking her sister, her brother-in-law, and their two young children out of her wedding reception after they loudly interrupted her wedding ceremony despite being forewarned of the child-free wedding.

“I got married this past Saturday. It was a very small affair with less than 70 people in attendance. I opted for a child-free wedding due to both costs and convenience. I like kids, just not at my wedding,” she wrote.

She continued, writing that most people were fine with the childfree aspect. The wedding was announced a year in advance, giving guests plenty of time to make childcare arrangements for the big day.

“The problem is my sister who was one of four bridesmaids. She has two boys, one is 2 and the other is 5,” she writes. “On Thursday she drops that her sitter fell through, and she asked for them to be allowed at the wedding. I felt pressured, but she begged for them to come. I told her as long as they behaved and her husband kept an eye on them.”

“She was late getting to the venue because the boys were fussy getting ready, so she’s only in a handful of the “getting ready” pics. Fine, ok. Then the ceremony itself happened, and my nephew (younger one) began to act up during the vows. My husband and I wrote our own, and about halfway through mine he begins to cry and fuss,” the bride continued.

“My brother-in-law grabbed him and very awkwardly made his way out, with my older nephew behind telling his brother to shush. I had to restart my vows twice due to the disruption, and I was already so nervous. The venue was outdoors as well, so we could hear my nephew fussing for a while until my BIL got them a good distance away. I didn’t see this at the time, but according to the best man, my sister was dramatically shooing her husband out.”

However, things went from bad to worse when her sister completely disappeared following the ceremony, meaning the entire wedding party was completely held up from being able to get any photographs together as a group.

“My sister didn’t even say anything, no apology, nada. After the first dances, she finally came up and was like “haha sorry about [nephew], it was nap time! He’s settled now.”

“It was such a non-apology and I was so upset. I told her I didn’t like how dismissive she was of my wedding and how I broke my own rule to accommodate her family and she didn’t seem to care. She said she was sorry again but I was blowing things out of proportion, and how it wasn’t as big of a disruption as I was making it out to be. I was just boiling at this point and asked her to please go, I didn’t want her there anymore.”

The bride’s mum and her sister were both upset by her decision and neither of them has spoken to her since the wedding, which happened a week ago, leaving her questioning whether she made the right decision. She stated that she was not upset with her nephews, as it was her sister who was responsible for them.

We can’t blame the bride for removing her sister from her wedding. The sister seemed to think that her preferences were far more important than the brides.

“What happened at OP’s wedding is exactly why people opt for a child-free wedding. Plus weddings are boring for kids,” one Redditor commented.

Others disagreed.

“People act like their wedding is the event of the century and anything less than perfection is unacceptable. I never really understood it, just have a nice day with your spouse and the people you love and move on.”

What do you think? Was this an over-reaction? Sound off in the comments!

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Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!