Bride Upset That Her Guests Don’t Want to Attend Her 5:30am Sunrise Wedding

Bride Upset That Her Guests Don’t Want to Attend Her 5:30am Sunrise Wedding
A bride has been left feeling rather upset after realising that her guests don’t want to attend her wedding due to the early start of her beach ceremony — at sunrise at 5:30am.
This is one of those conundrums that really divides opinion. What could be more symbolic than starting a new life together as the sun rises upon a beautiful new day? But also, can’t that shit wait until at least the sparrow has farted and we’ve all had some coffee?
Taking to Reddit’s AITA sub, the woman revealed that she and her fiancé wake up to watch the sunrise together every year on their anniversary as it’s “deeply meaningful” for them.
It’s quite the dilemma, isn’t it?
It’s just one morning, surely sleep isn’t that important? But people would need to get up hours earlier to get ready, then drive up to an hour to the location. So maybe it is an arsehole move? What a pickle!
There were a lot of opinions shared on the subreddit, many suggesting that perhaps a private ceremony at dawn would be better.
“A good solution is to have a private ceremony with you and your fiancé at 5:30, and then have a second ceremony at a more reasonable time for the guests. The first one can be just the two of you reciting your vows to each other, or the two of you with a willing officiant and a handful of close friends/relatives who are willing to join,” commented someone named Bleu_Rue.
“Isn’t part of what’s magical about the sunrise supposed to be how peaceful and private and quiet it is? Don’t drag a bunch of people into your happy sunrise who aren’t 100% thrilled to be there. Keep that for you and your spouse, just the two of you,” added the aptly named nononoohgodno.
Pemboo went a different way with their response: “If they aren’t 100% thrilled to be there, they shouldn’t be at a wedding full stop. You don’t pander to guests at your wedding.”
Another comment was much more straightforward: “It’s totally unreasonable to not only have a wedding that early and expect people to come but also expect them to be 100% thrilled,” added Known_Character.
There’s really no right answer here, but there is a chance that not many people will be turning up to hear them say “I do.”
What do you think? How would you feel if a close friend or relative invited you to a sunrise wedding followed by a champagne breakfast? Would you be happy to attend?
Source: Reddit/AITA