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Chasing Beauty

ChasingBeauty comp03 web V03


ChasingBeauty comp03 web V03

A new documentary has been released and has stormed it’s way to the top of the Itunes charts.
Chasing Beauty provides a rare glimpse into the dark side of the intriguing and complex world of modeling. The documentary features interviews with supermodels, photographers, agents, designers, plastic surgeons, make-up artists and psychologists and asks the question…

…what is beauty and is it worth the cost?’


Now while this type of documentary wouldn’t normally grab my attention BUT the following facts did:


25% of American youth would rather win America’s Next Top Model than the Nobel Peace Prize

23% would rather lose their ability to see than their figure


It reminded me of another article I had read in the past that quoted women would give up 1 year of their life to remain skinny.  

Now put that into the context of being a mum…  Would you give up a year of your life with your children to have a rocking body?

It’s an ongoing albeit scary debate over what message we are teaching our children.

I want my children to grow up self confident and happy with who they are and not feeling like their body type should dictate those emotions.

In an ideal world this is the image I would want them to embrace:

body image movement

The Body Image Movement is teaching us to love our bodies in whatever shape they are in and I for one think it’s fabulous!

You can read how Taryn came to this conclusion in her article ‘The Epiphany’ here

What do you think?

Are you worried about the message your children are growing up with?