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This Christmas Card Display Has Sparked an Online Debate – Is It Too Early Or Not?

This Christmas Card Display Has Sparked an Online Debate – Is It Too Early Or Not?

Christmas always seems to creep up quickly, and before we know it we only have two paydays left to buy presents for everyone, send off your greeting cards, place your order for a big ham, lock in your travel arrangements and line up for king prawns.

So it makes sense to get your To Do list in place early on so there’s not a mad scramble on Christmas Eve to find just the right scented candle for Aunty Sharon.

But how early is too early?

A Mumsnet user has gone on a furious rant about their local supermarket chain displaying Christmas cards and chocolates as early as August. They took to the Am I Being Unreasonable sub to ask their fellow boardies if they agree that it’s too early for festive displays at this time of year.

“It’s 4 bloody months away,” agreed one commenter.

“Christmas is my absolute favourite time of year but even I agree with you. I don’t want to see any of it until November,” added another.

“I adore Christmas but this just takes the shine off it all. It should all just start late November and then you can actually enjoy the build up,” agreed a third.

We do see their point. And they aren’t the only ones surprised to see the shops getting into the festive spirit a tad ahead of schedule…

Some retailers seem to have jumped the gun with setting up their Christmas displays, and while there is still exactly 124 days until the big guy shows up, the countdown has well and truly begun.

The key to a stress-free, relaxed family Christmas is undoubtedly in the planning. Being well-prepared and organised is half the battle. But how early is too early for the shops to begin their festive displays?

After all, we’ve still got Father’s Day and Halloween to come yet.

Is this blatant consumerism gone wild or sensible planning in advance?

What do you think?

Do you think August is too early for Christmas displays?



Source: Mumsnet

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!