Complete Bastard Demands That His Wife Keep Their Toddlers 100% Silent While He Works From Home

Complete Bastard Demands That His Wife Keep Their Toddlers 100% Silent While He Works From Home
A father has complained that his wife and twin toddlers do not respect him by having the nerve to make noise while he is working from home. He expects them to be 100% silent during his work hours as apparently, his need to concentrate is vital to him completing his workload.
Not realising how unreasonable he is to expect his family to be silent in their own home during the day, this entitled man whinged to whoever would listen to him on Reddit’s Am I The Asshole sub, hoping to hear some support from fellow men.
It is abundantly clear that this man has never attempted to keep a toddler quiet for any amount of time, and therefore it is easy to see how outrageously out of touch with his own family he is. He has no appreciation for, or interest in, his wife and children. He only cares about himself.
His behaviour sounds incredibly abusive and controlling, doesn’t it? Imagine insisting your wife and young children be completely silent so your happy arse can work!
Look, everyone needs silence every now and then, and yes, it can be difficult to work from home in a small apartment with your family going about their daily lives around you.
But to expect your wife to do all the housework and child care in total silence?
“It’s her job to keep silent and shut the kids up.”
Oh hell no, you smug, domineering bastard.
“I’m getting a controlling, abusive vibe here,” wrote one commenter. “He could get earplugs, noise-cancelling headphones, and a white noise machine but no. Everyone else needs to be 100% silent forty hours per week. No walking around to get food. No pushing buttons on the microwave. No watching tv. Nothing. Silence. Serious controlling, abusive behaviour on his part.”
We get the feeling that if he carries on like this, he will end up in a very quiet house permanently.
Source: Reddit/Am I The Asshole?