Dad Asks for Advice After Angrily Refusing to Walk His Daughter Down the Aisle Alongside Her Stepdad

Dad Asks for Advice After Angrily Refusing to Walk His Daughter Down the Aisle Alongside Her Stepdad
In a post that has left many people shocked at the sheer selfishness of the man, a father has asked if he were in the wrong for refusing to walk his daughter down the aisle if she also included her stepdad in the tradition.
Taking to the ever-popular subReddit “Am I the Asshole”, the father vented the full capacity of his spleen leaving no doubt as to his status as the asshole or not.
Oh my giddy aunt, where to begin with this man. Shall we compile a list?
Let’s start with the utter selfishness of making her big day all about him and his poor widdle fee fees. His petty hurt feelings and enormous ego are obviously far more important than supporting his daughter on one of the biggest days of her life.
Add in the excuse of not being in her life much because he had to work a whopping big 50 hours a week, presumably leaving absolutely zero time to bond with his own daughter over the past two decades.
We can’t forget how pissed off this man is that his ex-wife had the nerve to move on with a man a few years younger than her, and is still irate 20 years later. Honestly, we can’t say we blame her if this is how he behaves.
Then we have the manipulative ultimation of boycotting his daughter’s wedding day if she doesn’t give in to his tantrum. As though this will make her want him – and him alone – to share that special father/daughter moment on her wedding day now!
Throw in the emotional abuse of forcing his daughter, who was a child at the time, to promise not to betray him by calling another man “Dad” and this man has somehow managed to cross off all of the squares on the Bad Dad Bingo Card.
Instead of having the insight to be grateful that another man has stepped up and helped raise his daughter in his voluntary absence, this father claims that it’s not fair to include him because he barely knows the guy! It is quite clear that the stepdad and the bride have grown to love each other a lot over the years as she felt it was important to include him in such a special way.
Needless to say, most comments were calling the man out as most definitely The Asshole in the situation. Sometimes there are no shades of grey, only black and white. And this so-called dad should not be anywhere near his daughter on her wedding day.
Source: Reddit/Am I The Asshole