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Dad Who Corrected the Teacher Over Her Mispronouncing His Child’s Name Left Furious by Her Reaction

Dad Who Corrected the Teacher Over Her Mispronouncing His Child’s Name Left Furious by Her Reaction

A dad who told his daughter’s teacher that she had been pronouncing her name wrong all year was called for a meeting with the school where he was told ‘not to challenge her authority’.

Taking to Reddit’s Am I The Asshole sub, the dad explained that he had overheard the teacher addressing his daughter with a different name entirely, and asked if her reaction was out of line.

AITA for correcting my daughter’s teacher about her name? from r/AmItheAsshole

While it might be difficult to learn every child’s name, especially if you’re a teacher that teaches many different children throughout the entire school, this woman didn’t even seem to make an effort to remember Keeley’s name, especially since she got it wrong almost immediately after being reminded. It isn’t hard to get someone’s name right, and it is so important for children as their name is almost their entire identity when they are young.

Fellow Redditors agreed in the comments:

“I had a teacher do that to my daughter and she only corrected herself when I started addressing her by the wrong name,” wrote someone by the name of ky_biker.

“Challenge her authority over YOUR child’s name? She can f*** right off,” added ObsidianUnicorn.

“I bet that’s why the teacher kept calling OP’s daughter Kelly. She thought OP’s daughter was challenging her authority by correcting her in class on the pronunciation,” eyc07200413 agreed.

One of the better responses came from a teacher:

“Teachers must, absolutely must, have a relationship built on trust with their student and students’ families. Getting names correct is literally the first and most critical step in this process,” wrote AJEstes.

“Shame on that teacher and admin. While I appreciate when admin supports a teacher, in this situation the goal should have been building reconciliation, not offering excuses.”

Spot on.


How would you react if your child’s teacher insisted on pronouncing their name wrong? Is close enough good enough? Or would you insist on the correct pronunciation? Let us know in the comments!


Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!