Domino’s Is Giving Away Free Pizza To All Mask Wearing Karens!

Domino’s Is Giving Away Free Pizza To All Mask Wearing Karens!
Pizza giant Domino’s is doing it’s part to help the ‘Karens’ of the world feel better about their names by offering them free pizza!
Calling someone a ‘Karen’ is currently being used as a derogatory way of referring to white women who don’t seem to recognise their privilege, are often rude to retail staff and always ask to speak to a manager.
It’s taken off in the last few weeks partly due to the rise of videos going viral of women in Victoria refusing to wear face masks and speaking aggressively to staff and authorities who question them.
As of last week wearing face masks in public became mandatory in Melbourne as Victoria battens down to a six-week lockdown to counter the second wave of COVID-19 cases.
Pizza giant Domino’s is asking law abiding Karens to come forward and claim their free pizza. All they have to do is submit their photo ID and explain in 250 words what makes them a ‘nice’ Karen.
Domino’s chief marketing officer for ANZ, Allan Collins, says the company is trying to do it’s part to salvage the name ‘Karen.’
“In 2020, ‘Karen’ is no longer content to speak to the manager. Now, she’s dobbing in her neighbours, refusing to quarantine, or wear a mask,” he said.
“Consequently, the name ‘Karen’ has become synonymous with anyone who is entitled, selfish and likes to complain. What used to be a light-hearted meme has become quite the insult to anyone actually named Karen.
“Today we’re taking the name Karen back. At Domino’s, we’re all about bringing people together and we want to celebrate all the great Karens out there by shouting them a free pizza.”
Karens can enter the competition here.
Images: Domino’s