Donations Exceed Expectations on Sleepbus Campaign – Buses Fitted Out to Shelter the Homeless
In Australia, over 105,000 people are homeless. If you work in the city, it’s not hard to see a homeless person as often they will be seen on park benches, seated in alleys and begging for money or their appearance and bags of belongings are a sure sign they don’t have a home.
There are many issues that can cause one to be homeless.
Melbourne chef and entrepreneur, Simon Rowe, knows all too well what it’s like to be homeless as he experienced it himself in 1993.
A recent encounter with a homeless man prompted Rowe to do something to help those that are homeless on the streets.
Rowe launched a GoFundMe campaign to raise $50,000 to construct mobile shelters out of buses.

Each bus would be equipped with 22 sleeping pods, two toilet and 22 personal items lockers. The bus would offer overnight, safe shelter for homeless families and individuals.
Three months since the launch of his GoFundMe page and he has managed to raise over double what was needed to fit out one bus with current figures standing at $100k. The funds will now help fund the development of 2 of his Sleep Buses.
Mr Rowe shared on the Sleep Bus GoFundMe page, ‘I set about developing a simple solution with a mission: to provide people sleeping ‘rough’ a safe overnight place to sleep.”
“The more I developed and researched a solution, the more I discovered what a good night’s sleep can do for a person’s physical and mental health.
“Just being able to sleep through the night, warm and safe can give a person a whole new outlook on life.
“The least we can do is provide safe overnight accommodation to people sleeping rough in Australia, until they get back on their feet.”
The buses will be fitted out with under-bus storage for belongings, eight pet kennels, security, lighting and an intercom system.
If you want to know more about the campaign and wish to help Simon build more buses for the homeless, why not consider donating to the cause here.
If you or someone you know find themselves to be homeless, head to the Homelessness Australia website for more information.