Family Advertises For Nanny Who Can Explain Sex To Their Children!

Family Advertises For Nanny Who Can Explain Sex To Their Children!
In a world where we are basically outsourcing everything, are we even surprised by this story?
A couple in Bath, England have put out an ad looking for a nanny who amongst other things would be willing to explain the ‘birds and the bees’ to their two children aged 8 and 7.
“I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask for this kind of help, but here goes. My husband and I are looking to hire someone to give our 8-year-old daughter and 7-year-old son the ‘talk’. Like most parents, we were hoping we would have more time before this became a problem; ideally, I’d avoid it altogether! But we’re at the point now where they aren’t satisfied with the answer we’re giving them,” the ad reads.
Not happy with their own abilities to explain bodily functions and sexual orientations to their kids the two say they would prefer someone else do it for them.
“I don’t trust the school to do a proper job teaching either of our children about the complexities of puberty, intimacy and consent which is why we’re looking for someone to handle this for us.”
Their ideal candidate must tick a lot of boxes and be comfortable speaking on a wide variety of topics. Check out the full criteria below:
“The successful applicant must be able to explain:
• How sex is between two people who are in love (preferably married but we’re modern enough to know that’s not always possible)
• Consent (with a possible discussion of rape culture)
• Sex with both genders
• Periods (for our son too – we want him to be comfortable with this natural part of life for women)
• STIs – what they are, what they can cause and prevention
• Sexual protection – the pill, condoms, abstinence etc.
• Explanation of male and female anatomy
• Pregnancy
• Other gender types – transgender, non-binary etc. (this is an area we would really struggle in!)”
Not only are the couple outsourcing ‘the talk’ but they mention that they won’t even be present during the discussion. You know- in case the kids start imaging their own parents ‘doing it!’
“You will ideally be OFSTED registered and must have an up-to-date DBS check as we will not be attending the sessions. Experience in a similar role would be favourable. All sessions will be at our home at a time when one, or both of us can be in the house. We will not be in the room with you but will be home so the children can come and find us if it’s getting too much for them.”
Lastly the ad mentions money and the couple’s willingness to accomodate however the nanny thinks the talk should be handled- either in one hit or stretched out over a few weeks.
“My husband and I are willing to pay £2,500 to the right candidate who can handle this delicately and professionally. We are also willing to work to your timetable on this e.g. one session a week for six weeks, or all in one session, whatever you feel is best for their understanding and development.”
So what do you think? Hats off to the couple for being proactive in educating their son and daughter about their bodies and sexuality or do you think it’s a subject that is best handled ‘in house?’
Images: Pixabay