What’s Your Excuse – Maria Kang Banned from Facebook

Maria Kang Banned from Facebook but Not Sorry!
Maria Kang, made famous with the viral image “What’s Your Excuse” is at it again. It seems that even after a ban from Facebook she’s still unrelenting in her opinions on the issue. She again wants to make it known that she isn’t sorry. Her article on her site titled ‘sorry but not sorry’ explains why she has the issue with the obesity epidemic in today’s culture.
Image source: http://www.mariakang.com/2013/11/26/sorry-but-not-sorry
“What’s Your Excuse” – the Image that Started it all
The viral image pictured Maria Kang’s fit physique in revealing gym gear with her three young children. The caption “What’s Your Excuse” enraged mothers worldwide and post pregnancy body image became a big issue – so big it made the papers, TV and network radio!
She then published a ‘rant” on Facebook about the obesity epidemic in the USA, getting so many negative responses and complaints that she was temporarily banned from the social platform. Eventually, her access was returned but the status in question was permanently removed.
Shocking New Article Uses Death Bed Mother As Excuse!
In a controversial new article on Maria Kang’s website, she speaks of how her mother’s unhealthy lifestyle lead to her near death, a fact which almost ruined Ms Kang’s wedding day.
“I felt it when my parents weren’t present on the day of my wedding.
November 27th is our wedding anniversary. Unlike many brides, I don’t like reflecting back at that life moment. All I remember was the morning phone call stating my mother was in the ICU for an infection and my father would walk me down the aisle, but would leave soon after to be by her side. Besides feeling emotionally lost the entire evening, many have called my reflection of this pain selfish; after all, my mom was struggling to live at the hospital.
What they don’t understand is whether realized or not, these unfortunate circumstances could’ve been prevented if she lived a healthier lifestyle. Many feel I am selfish for not being compassionate to her ordeal, while I feel she was selfish for not taking care of her health my entire life. An addiction, whether it’s drug, alcohol or food – takes its toll on the entire unit, not just the person itself.”
Read her full article here
Anti-Fat Campaigning – Kang Reveals The Origin of the Hate
Kang started her campaign when according to Jezebel online she ‘saw the Curvy Girl lingerie campaign — in which “normal” women model underthings — and was not happy. She wrote that she was “annoyed” by “news stories about how overweight, nearly obese women should be proud of their bodies.”‘ (You can read the full Jezebel article here ).
Kang has become a vocal advocate for her “no excuse” approach to women’s health and fitness. Judging by the reaction to her Facebook page and content, there’s a world of opinions out there on the topic.
What are your thoughts? We’d love to hear!