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Grandfather Accidentally Brings Cake Laced with Marijuana to Nurses as a ‘Thank You’ Gift

Grandfather Accidentally Brings Cake Laced with Marijuana to Nurses as a ‘Thank You’ Gift

I think we can all agree that our nurses are underappreciated for all the wonderful work that they do. And that everyone should bring them all the cakes as a thank you gesture for their dedication and empathy towards their fellow humans when they are at their most vulnerable.

So it is totally understandable that an elderly gent wanted to show his appreciation to the nursing staff at his local hospital in Warrington, England, after they looked after a member of his family recently.

The kind grandfather showed up with a leftover cake from his grandson’s 18th birthday party. This is where his lovely gesture all went wrong.

It is alleged that only one of the staff members helped themselves to a piece and polished it off, but other reports suggested that several people tucked into the delicious treat, despite the funny smell. An unnamed hospital staff member said that several nurses who tasted the cake ended up “off their faces” as a result of the sativa-laced snack.

“They were eating the cake and then the next minute the staff was all off their faces,” the staff member told The Sun. “It was brought in by a nice old man as a thank you, but it was full of funny stuff and had them all relaxed. There was no impact on the patients whatsoever, but they all knew something was wrong, so the police were called in.”

The incident was reported to the local constabulary where the cake was ultimately “destroyed” and an investigation launched.

Cheshire Police tested the cake, reported to be of the red velvet variety, and confirmed it contained marijuana. When authorities investigated the incident, they learned the grandfather had no idea the cake was laced with cannabis.

While no further action was taken against the grandfather, police gave his grandson some “strong words of advice”.

Warrington Hospital said the staff member(s) who tucked in was unaffected by the surprise space cake and patient care was not put at risk.

High times indeed.


Source: Giphy

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!