Grandma’s Reaction to “Surprise Twin Reveal” Is the Most Precious Thing We’ve Seen in Ages

Grandma’s Reaction to “Surprise Twin Reveal” Is the Most Precious Thing We’ve Seen in Ages
With the pandemic raging across the world, we’ve all had to come up with new ways to share our life experiences with family. People are organising drive-by birthday parties. Couples are holding weddings in front of their guests watching from parked cars. And parents are having to wait longer to introduce their newborn babies to their family as hospital restrictions are in full force.
One couple found out they were having twins and decided to keep their news to themselves until their babies were born.
This wasn’t hard to keep quiet as social distancing practises meant that they could easily keep their close family at bay during the last months of pregnancy. Not allowing any hospital visitation or at-home visits gave the family time to settle in at home and plan the perfect surprise twin reveal!
Grandma and Grandpa’s precious reaction was caught on video and uploaded to TikTok by family member Lily Greiser.
“My cousin Tommy surprised his mum with a secret twin,” she wrote in the video.
@lily.greiserher reaction is priceless!!? ##secrettwin
Tommy walked slowly into the room where his parents were sitting with his newborn daughter holding his newborn son in his arms.
“That’s a real baby!?” his mother exclaimed, clearly floored by the news.
“Is THIS a real kid?” the man sitting beside her asked, hilariously gesturing to the baby girl in front of him.
Many commenters loved the viral clip and congratulated the couple, but some questioned why the man’s mother didn’t want to hold her new grandson.
In a follow-up video, Lily explained that it wasn’t that the grandmother was afraid to hold the baby, she was just “shocked.”
As you would be!
“It’s a huge surprise, so she was just trying to wrap her head around a second newborn in the room,” Lily explained.
“I can assure you she was really excited, they both were for that matter,” she added.
We’re sure this lovely shocked Nanna has caught up on all her newborn snuggles now.
Source: TikTok/Lily Greiser