Grandmother Conceives Naturally and Gives Birth To Baby Girl At The Age of 67!

Grandmother Conceives Naturally and Gives Birth To Baby Girl At The Age of 67!
A 67 year old grandmother from China has given birth to a healthy baby girl after saying she conceived naturally with the help of Chinese fertility treatments not IVF.
According to news reports, Tian administered the medicine herself using her knowledge as a doctor to prescribe and take the correct dosage. In fact, the hospital where her baby girl was born was the same one she worked at as a doctor before retiring.
The baby was delivered via C-section and weighed 5.6 pounds at the time of her birth, according to CNN. The couple named their bundle of joy Tianci, which means ‘gift sent from heaven.’
The baby was delivered via C section and doctors were amazed that there were no complications due to the woman’s age. In fact the hospital staff were amazed by the condition of the grandmother’s body saying her ovaries appeared to be that of a 40-year-old woman.
“They hadn’t shrunk like a 60-year-old’s ovaries would have, which might explain how she got pregnant naturally,” said Dr. Liu Wencheng, who was charge of the delivery.
“We were quite lucky, given that the mother was at an advanced maternal age and had a variety of complications,” Wencheng added.
Tianci isn’t the couple’s first child. Tian’s husband, 68-year-old Huang, told the Qilu Evening News that they already have two grown children, a son and a daughter, as well as several grandchildren. In fact, their oldest grandchild just turned 18. He also said that they weren’t concerned about their age as they plan to live to 110!
News has spread across the world as it’s believed Tian is the oldest known woman on record to give birth in China. However, she’s not the oldest in the world; that title belongs to a woman in India, who gave birth in September at the ripe old age of 74 with the help of IVF.
Images: Youtube