Grandmother Makes an Important Decision – Save the Baby or Save the Wine?

Grandmother Makes an Important Decision – Save the Baby or Save the Wine?
A grandmother has been faced with an impossible dilemma, resulting in a hilarious moment that most of us would relate to.
Sitting on a lounge in front of a coffee table with a nice glass of bubbly, the doting nanna has her arm protectively wrapped around a standing baby to help them balance at the table.
When you’ve finally become an adult and have your priorities straight.
— The Cultured Ruffian (@CulturedRuffian) October 12, 2020
As the baby reaches for the wine glass, the woman makes the vital call to save her wine glass and grabs it with both hands, saving the prosecco, but letting the child fall to the ground.
Hilariously, the grandmother doesn’t even give the baby a second glance as she frowns and steadies her stemware holding the last drops of wine. The video cuts before she registers that the little one has toppled over onto the floor.
Again, totally relatable.
The clip was posted on Twitter, with the caption: “When you’ve finally become an adult and have your priorities straight” where it has been viewed over 8 million times.
While some people slammed the grandmother for letting the baby get so close to the drink in the first place, others defended her, saying she did the right thing and prevented a more serious accident from happening.
In her defense, if she let the glass drop the baby would have fallen on it and got hurt? so yes this is responsible parenting??
— 🙂 (@saucymaneyo) October 12, 2020
Kids bounce. Broken glass sucks to get out of carpet.
— Chuck Baer (@Cleverchuckpun) October 12, 2020
If the glass fell with the baby, it would have broken and the baby would have been hurt. She did I the right thing.
— Musa (@Musmu1203) October 12, 2020
All in all, the baby is fine, the nice stemware was saved, and nanna got to drink the last mouthful of her prosecco. And we get to watch a hilariously relatable video.
Source: Twitter/The Cultured Ruffian