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This Guy Just Learnt to Never Stand Up His Girlfriend Ever Again!

This Guy Just Learnt to Never Stand Up His Girlfriend Ever Again!

Sometimes, revenge is best served PRETTY!

Stephen Hall and Natalie Weaver, both 23, made plans to go out for the day together on Sunday, but those plans were tossed out the window when Stephen came home from an all-night bender with the boys at 6am Sunday morning.

So what’s a girl to do when her boyfriend opts to sleep the day away instead of spend time with her as planned? Give him a makeover of course!

Bored and annoyed that she had to spend the morning alone but for a snoring plumber,  Natalie decided to get revenge. The receptionist from Castleford, in West Yorkshire in the UK, said: “I have always said he would suit being a woman. So, I thought I would do him up and see what he would look like.”

And that is exactly what she did!

makeover revenge

There is no word on whether his brows are naturally this fierce, or whether she did those before she took her first photo.

makeover revenge

Natalie expertly applied foundation and blush before blending his eyeshadow beautifully, picking out the perfect colours for her sleeping boyfriend’s complexion.

makeover revenge

She then added some highlighter…

makeover revenge

with great effect. He’s positively glowing!

makeover revenge

Next up, false eyelashes to make his eyes really pop.

makeover revenge

Beautiful pouty pink lips completed his look, but Natalie was not done yet…

makeover revenge

That’s right, time for some false nails too!

makeover revenge

Clearly, Natalie had plenty of time to kill while she was waiting for her boyfriend to finish sleeping it off.

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makeover revenge

Stephen eventually only woke up by accidentally scratching himself with the long nails and despite initially being confused at his own reflection, admits he “made a pretty woman.”

I think we would all agree with him on that one.

There is no word on whether he has learnt his lesson or if he is plotting a little revenge of his own, but this adorable couple certainly have a great sense of humour.

Great work, Natalie!!


Source: Natalie Weaver

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!

One comment

  1. What I don’t understand is how he slept through all of that without stirring!! My husband would not have slept through that, no matter how hung over he was!

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