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Heartbroken Woman Sends Her Ex a Truckload of Onions to Make Him Cry as Much as She Did

Heartbroken Woman Sends Her Ex a Truckload of Onions to Make Him Cry as Much as She Did

A woman in China has gotten revenge on her ex-boyfriend by sending him a truckload of onions in the hope of making him cry as much as she did over their break up.

If that isn’t end-of-relationship goals, I don’t know what is. Forget deleting all traces of the lying scumbag on social media and throwing out his favourite hoodie, just ship him something ridiculous in vast commercial quantities and move on with your head held high!

Allegedly, the woman had been seeing her boyfriend for over a year when she discovered that he was cheating on her with another woman. After spending the best part of a week crying and learning that her ex didn’t really care at all, she devised her incredible plan for revenge.

The woman, known by her surname Zhao, had a large truck arrive at the man’s address with a note which read: “I’ve cried for three days, now it’s your turn.”

Like I said, GOALS.

The order of one tonne of red onions came with instructions not to contact the recipient but to “just dump the onions at the front door”.

“I heard from my friends that he was not upset at all after breaking up,” she told local Chinese media. “I spent three days at home crying. I was so heart-broken.”

“So, I ordered a tonne of onions to his home. I’ve got money. I wanted him to know the taste of tears.”

This woman is now my own personal hero.

Meanwhile, the ex-boyfriend continued to not care very much at all, providing an accurate assessment of his heartbroken former lover.

“Am I a bad person for simply not crying?” he reportedly told Shandong Net. “My ex-girlfriend was very dramatic.”

And may she forever remain so!

Love your work, Ms Zhao.


Source: Zhejiang Television/Weibo

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!