Husband Who Showed Wife Motivational Messages During Labour Gets Dragged on Social Media

Husband Who Showed Wife Motivational Messages During Labour Gets Dragged on Social Media
A man who created a special motivational message book to present to his wife during her labour has been absolutely dragged on social media after his video went viral on Twitter.
The man from Atlanta, Georgia has been dubbed “husband of the year” by ABC News (US) after footage of him flipping through a booklet of anecdotes, memories and reassuring messages for his wife to read during her two-day-long labour went viral.
“You are my best friend, soulmate, and in just a few pushes, you’ll be the most amazing mother our daughter could ever ask for.”
Husband of the year surprises pregnant wife with book of motivational messages to encourage her during two-day labor.
— ABC News (@ABC) September 20, 2019
“You are my best friend, soul mate and in just a few pushes… the most amazing mother our daughter could ever ask for,” the new father, identified as Kendall Caver, says in his nifty book.
While a set of motivational flashcards reminding your labouring wife to breathe might have seemed like a good idea at the time, many are saying that it most certainly was not.
An overwhelming majority of commenters have resoundingly quashed the well-meaning husband’s intentions as attention-seeking selfishness, presuming that his video was made purely for internet points and not what any labouring woman wants to have to deal with at all.
I’ve been on labour ward enough times to know this will end with his pad ripped up in half and screams of “F*CK YOU AND YOUR PAD MARTIN YOU DID THIS TO ME YOU FU*KING TURD”
— Dr Philip Lee (@drphiliplee1) September 20, 2019
Husband of the year….my husband went and got me a crunchie when I was in labour and to me this is highly preferably. This would have sent me in to a rage. You breath mate
— Jess Phillips Esq., M.P. (@jessphillips) September 20, 2019
All this and a ‘Daddy’ t shirt? *rolls eyes*— june girly swot lewins (@joonloons) September 20, 2019
I’ve never had a baby so please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong:
If the sprog’s father did this to me, I’d punched him out.
— Dame Holly Ready to Mansplain (@Lee_Tennant) September 20, 2019
People are mocking this but I think it’s nice for dads to volunteer to get their noses broken midway through labour.
That way mother and father can climb the pain relief ladder together.
— Tom Peck (@tompeck) September 20, 2019
Have divorce papers ever been served during a birth?
— . (@twlldun) September 20, 2019
Imagine if a woman did this while a man did something VAGUELY comparable, like “having the shits”, or “puking his guts out with e coli.” READ THE ROOM.
— Caitlin Moran (@caitlinmoran) September 20, 2019
Nothing like your life partner touting for clicks when you’ve been awake for two days and your fanny’s falling out.
— Sam Whyte (@SamWhyte) September 20, 2019
Man makes woman’s incredible achievement about him by stealing idea from Love Actually and making people do a sick into their mouths
— Michael Hogan (@michaelhogan) September 20, 2019
How to make the birth of your child about you and not your wife.
— John Rain CBE (@MrKenShabby) September 20, 2019
How about “wife of the year” went through two days of labor while having to endure self absorbed husband seeking internet fame. That’s a better take @abc.
— Jax ⚡️ (@Diamond_Jax) September 21, 2019
A husband of the year wouldn’t make having a baby about fucking him.
— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) September 21, 2019
Caver has since defended his actions, revealing his wife Jasmine had been anxious in the lead up to the birth due to a previous miscarriage.
“I wanted to do something that could help her take her mind off all that was happening,” he said, adding that Jasmine “laughed, smiled and cried” during his tribute to their time together.
He announced on Facebook their daughter, Sofia, was born on September 3.
All’s well as long as she appreciated his viral gesture, I guess.
Source: Twitter/ABC News