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“Ice Cream Bandits” Raid Freezer During an Open House After Faking an Interest in the Real Estate Listing

“Ice Cream Bandits” Raid Freezer During an Open House After Faking an Interest in the Real Estate Listing

We can’t decide if this is the world’s most stupid crime or if it is a genius way of scoring free ice cream on a Saturday afternoon.

A couple in California seem to be running a nifty little racket feigning interest in local properties for sale and stealing the homeowner’s stuff during their open houses.

It all came to a head this week when a family discovered their tub of ice cream missing from the garage freezer and checked their security cameras.

The flavour of the stolen ice cream remains unclear at this time.

Real estate agent Elizabeth Axelgard says her clients noticed something seemed fishy after an open house on Saturday, so they investigated a little further. Reviewing the footage gave the sellers all the answers they needed.

“It showed this couple walking into the garage, opening several cabinets and then the female opening the refrigerator door, taking out something, putting it in her large handbag,” Axelgard said.

As seen in the footage, the couple is seen swiping the ice cream from the home’s garage freezer during a recent open house. The woman then hid the frozen treat in her handbag, and both she and the man were able to leave before arousing suspicion, the realtor said.

“This one particular couple came in, moved very quickly towards the back of the property, they were excited over the home, then they kind of split. In hindsight, that was an indicator, because couples will usually walk through a home together,”  Axelgard told local media.

“Fortunately, my client has security cameras, one at the front of the house and one in the garage.”

Seriously, who does this??

They don’t look young or in any way unable to purchase their own ice cream.

The crooks have been spotted at other open houses throughout the area and have been linked with the disappearance of candlesticks and pain medications.

“There have been two instances that I know that happened in addition to the one that happened this weekend,” another realtor, Joanie Cubias, said. “Just the coincidence that these two people were at, were visitors at these open houses and things went missing,” Cubias said.

The homeowners say they don’t plan to file a police report for the stolen ice cream.


Source: Elizabeth Axelgard


Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!