Kind Mum Accidentally Tucks Random Drunk NAKED Stranger Into Bed Thinking He Was Her Son

Kind Mum Accidentally Tucks Random Drunk NAKED Stranger Into Bed Thinking He Was Her Son
Us mums would like to think that we have a pretty good handle on visually identifying our own children. We might even go so far as to say that we can sense when they are around, recognising whose footsteps are whose and picking our children’s voices out of a crowd. It’s just a mum-thing, right?
Well, apparently not always.
One mum mistook some random drunk naked stranger in Halloween facepaint for her adult son and kindly tucked him into bed in the middle of the night, not realising that the drunk dude wasn’t her son until the next morning.
I could not make this shit up if I tried. How utterly hilarious!
Juliet Jarvis, 49, from Surrey in the UK, woke in the early hours of the morning after hearing what she thought was her 30-year-old son Stewart return from a Halloween night out. She found him under a doona in her walk-in wardrobe and decided to throw him a pillow and leave him there.
“I went in to see a head poking out from a duvet. He said, ‘I just need to sleep’.
“I told him I would get him a pillow, slipped it under his head and made sure he was warm and okay.
“His hands were filthy but just thought, ‘Oh well, Stewart does funny things’. He said ‘thank you’ and I thought, ‘Hmmmm, Stewart sounds very polite’.”
The next morning, Juliet realised her error when her husband Cliff asked her who the strange naked dude fast asleep in their walk-in wardrobe might be.
Turns out that it was Marc, some random 29-year-old guy that decided their home might be a nice place to crash after a drunken night out.
Juliet posted her story to Facebook, explaining that she now has a nice, new son:
Here is my nice new son.
Found upstairs, on my dressing room floor under a duvet cover 4.30am last night.
When I gave…Posted by Juliet Jarvis on Sunday, 29 October 2017
“I could not have stumbled into the home of two more lovely people. They were so understanding,” said Marc of his new parents.
Real son Stewart sighed: “I’m going to have some serious words with my mother — she still can’t recognise me after all these years.”
And the best part of all? Aside from dark hair and similar ages, the two men don’t exactly look very much alike!
Marc, dressed for Halloween:
And Stewart:
New dad Cliff drove new son Marc home the next day and everyone’s had a good laugh about it. Except for Stewart.
Poor Stewart.
Source: Instagram/Marc Campfield