Latest Nail Trend Is The Stuff Of Nightmares!

Latest Nail Trend Is The Stuff Of Nightmares!
Do you remember that horror movie The Ring that featured a young girl with super long hair?! And she came out of the TV screen and out of the drains (I think, I can’t be sure as I hate horror movies and only ever half watch them!)

That’s the first thing I thought of when I caught sight of this nail trend that features LONG HAIR attached to a nail painted to look like a woman’s face.
Why? Why would anyone even think to do this? It’s just plain creepy and not practical at all! How would you brush your teeth? Or eat? Or you know…use the toilet? Ewww.
Hair nails are the brainchild off 22-year-
Many people told me i should delete those my photos before becoming a new trend ?
— Dain Yoon (@designdain) September 10, 2017
If you think that’s creepy- just wait until you check out the actual VIDEO where you can see these hairy nails moving around in all their glory!
I literally can’t even with all these beauty trends anymore. Can someone please just post something normal! Or at least something that doesn’t give us all the heebiejeebies!!
Images: Twitter