This Little Girl’s Brilliant Letter Resulted in Her Dream Birthday Party – at IKEA!

This Little Girl’s Brilliant Letter Resulted in Her Dream Birthday Party – at IKEA!
And we’re completely and utterly jealous if we’re being honest.
A little girl in the UK has penned a brilliant letter to her local IKEA asking if she could pretty please host her 7th birthday party in their wonderful store full of beautiful homewares, affordable furniture and delicious meatballs.
And they bloody well said yes!
Seriously, we didn’t know that was an option. I’m kinda pissed I didn’t think of it for my last birthday.
Jessica Proctor knew exactly what she wanted to do for her birthday and so went about proposing her idea to her local IKEA in Sheffield, in the UK.
Dear IKEA,
Your shop is my favourite shop in the whole wide world. I will be turning 7 on the 7th of March. Please can my party be on my birthday? If you do birthday parties please may I have one there in your Sheffield shop?
Lots of love,
Jessie Daisy Proctor
A few weeks later someone from the Ikea customer service team got in touch with Jessica and her family.
Mum Charlotte explained that the customer service rep “said it wasn’t something they normally do but they would really like to make something possible for her if that’s what she wanted.”
So, on the big day Jessica, her parents and five lucky friends went to the Sheffield store for a very special birthday party.
They had Swedish meatballs for lunch…
…and enjoyed a cake decorated with Swedish flags, which were provided by the kind staff…
… and got to play in the kid’s play room ball pit!
Even the parents got to have a turn.
Jessica’s mum Charlotte said she isn’t really sure where the fascination came from, but, like all of us, she does love a trip to the iconic Swedish furniture store.
“I think it’s the little rooms. She just loves going and playing in them. Every time we go around it’s a bit of a battle to get her out.”
We understand completely. It’s so easy to get lost in those wonderful little rooms, fully styled with affordable homewares. I’ve lost my way in there myself.
“She was adamant she wanted her party at Ikea. She wasn’t taking no for an answer. So I told her if she really wanted it she was going to have to write to them.”
Charlotte praised the staff for their efforts in pulling off her daughter’s party, providing flags, balloons and lollies.
“They were so good. It was really special, it was just lovely,” she said.
I don’t know about you, but I’m super jealous right now. I know where my next birthday party is going to be held! I just hope they have at least one register open and that I can leave via the Market Hall.
Source: The Motherload