Man Confesses To Bathing In Wife’s Bath Water And People Aren’t Coping!

Man Confesses To Bathing In Wife’s Bath Water And People Aren’t Coping!
What do you consider a romantic gesture? Being given flowers for no reason? Someone cooking your favourite meal? A weekend away with no kids? Or how about sharing the bath water with your partner!
Wait. What? Seriously, I think I may have spewed in my mouth a little. I mean, come on. Would you get into a bath after someone (even if it’s your partner) has just bathed in it? Hell no!
But one guy, who wished to remain anonymous, recently wrote into discussion forum Mumsnet to reveal that he does in fact get into the bath after his wife has finished. What he wants to know is, on a scale of 1-10 how gross is that!
“By this I mean wife has a bath, she gets out then I get in her water and have a bath. Not have a bath together to clarify,” he wrote.
“My wife thinks it’s normal but I don’t. I only shower as I don’t like baths so maybe why but looking for what others have to say.“
“I don’t even swim in swimming pools or go in hot tubs – but I love the sea or open water.”
So my question is mate, if you don’t like it, why are you doing it?? And yes, I totally agree about swimming pools. If I wanted to bathe in urine I’d just ask someone to pee on me.
The responses to the man’s admission came in hard and fast and people had a lot to say. Most surprising was how many actually agreed with him!
“We do the whole family in fact. I usually run a hot bath first kids jump in one after the other, then me and hubs after. Nothing wrong with it in my opinion something my family has always done down the generations and my husband’s family was the same,” one person said.
“We do. I have a scalding hot bath if I haven’t shaved my partner will get in after me as he’s absolutely filthy from work so for him it’s quicker less time getting his dirty hands on my walls etc. Then he has time to relax. Normally I can’t get straight in as it’s so hot for him. I like to boil myself for a bit or I’ll add cold and give the kids a bath instead,” another person said.
“Yeah we do, our water is heated by electricity and takes a lot of time and money to heat up again to run a fresh bath. If I thought he was that icky that I didn’t want to bath with him then I certainly wouldn’t want to be having sex with him,” a commenter said.
The majority of comments however were those of disgust. “Yuk! Sharing bath water. A no-no for me.”
“Nope no thank you if I have a bath it’s to relax not to get clean you can’t get completely clean lying in your own filthy water, you certainly can’t when it’s got someone else’s dirt in it already! We’re not on water rations,” another said. “Seriously gross! Just have a shower!”
So…where do you sit in this debate? In the bath or out?
Images: Pixabay