Man Screams at Pregnant Fiancée for Refusing To Help Look For His Ever-Escaping Dog

Man Screams at Pregnant Fiancée for Refusing To Help Look For His Ever-Escaping Dog
An irresponsible dog owner and generally terrible human being has attempted to persuade his pregnant fiancee to assist him in looking for his ever-escaping dog by screaming at her and telling her that he is disappointed in his decision-making skills in that he ended up with someone as heartless as her.
Not so fast, buddy, who said you will end up with her?
This shit show of a situation arose recently on Reddit, where the man sought validation for his stance that his fiancee should take a break from throwing up to help him look for the dog, which, by his own admission, gets out of the yard multiple times a week.
How do you think the voting went on this particular edition of Am I The Asshole?
Yes, that’s right, this misguided fool was absolutely voted to be in the wrong in this ridiculously asinine scenario.
The comments were unquestionably scathing in their criticism of this pathetic excuse for a father-to-be.
“I’d leave you over this, 100%,” penned one Redditor. “This is abusive behaviour that is not excused by the fact you were panicking. You clearly have no idea how to keep your dog from running away, but that is NOT your fiancée’s problem, and if I were her I’d be utterly sick of you too.”
Another wrote: “YOU are the one who lacks empathy. She feels sick and you berate her to find a dog that YOU lost? Then when she doesn’t follow your command, you start verbally assaulting her? Check yourself.”
“If I was pregnant and someone talked to me like that? They’d never see me again,” added someone else. “I hope she leaves you. You can’t even handle a dog, but you’re about to be a father? Your sister is right.”
Aside from being a terrible pet owner who is putting his animal in danger, this man is clearly not mature enough to care for a baby. We hope his partner sees this, too.
Source: Reddit and Giphy