Mum Decides to Take the Day off After Lazy Husband Refuses to Help Out, Chaos Ensues

Mum Decides to Take the Day off After Lazy Husband Refuses to Help Out, Chaos Ensues
The division of labour in a household has changed a lot over the years, especially as women return to work after having their children.
Many families all pitch in and help out with the daily chores of running a home, but some couples still face a more traditional division of labour where the women take on all the roles of a housewife and mother 24/7, while their husbands relax with the Xbox and a beer after work.
Well, after two full years of not having a break, one mother has had enough of all of that malarkey and decided to take a day off.
She gave her husband at least 12 hours notice that he’d have to take care of their children while she locked herself in their bedroom. But did her day off go to plan? No. No, it did not.
The exhausted mum took to Reddit to explain her side of the story and to ask if she was in the wrong for taking a day off.
Wow. No wonder she is exhausted, she is doing literally everything!
We all know it is healthier to eat meals from scratch but the children won’t suffer from eating nuggets and chips one night a week so their mum can have a night off.
This mum received a lot of support from the comments section, praising stay at home mums for their hard work during one of the most stressful times we’ve ever experienced. Caring for four children during a pandemic placed even greater importance on her role in the home.
Running to mummy to tattle on his wife was a bit precious, though! He couldn’t even pretend to have everything under control for one day?
These two need some marriage counselling as soon as possible.
Source: Reddit