Mum Goes to the Toilet for Less Than a Minute, Returns to Find Her Toddler Sprinting on the Treadmill

Mum Goes to the Toilet for Less Than a Minute, Returns to Find Her Toddler Sprinting on the Treadmill
Mothers of toddlers know that anything can happen in the time that it takes to do a quick wee. All we can do is splash and dash hope for the best, right?
One mum has returned from a toilet stop to find her toddler sprinting on her treadmill at full pace and hanging on for dear life!
And what did she do? Did she rush to her distressed toddler’s aid, hitting the stop button and rescuing him from his fast-paced dilemma?
Nope! She videoed her son’s hilarious stuff-up and uploaded it to Twitter for all of us to have a giggle over! Bless her.
Madeline Valdivia left her 1-year-old son Samuel for a total of 45 seconds before this happened:
Been together since 4pm, no problems. I go to the bathroom ONCE 45 seconds in, and I have to rush out to this:
— Madeline (@madelaneeee) September 27, 2019
“Why did you put it on high?” the mum is heard to ask several times with a great deal of mirth in her voice, no doubt trying not to outwardly laugh.
Valdivia describes her son as fearless and said he’s always doing “silly, crazy things like this”.
“He likes to go on the walker and press start. He can’t reach the speed settings yet,” Valdivia said. “The reason it was going fast is because my little brother was just on it and left it in a different setting so it automatically switched speeds after a minute of him clicking start!”
We’ve got to give it to the little guy, he powered through those tears like a champ.
Source: Twitter/Madeline
Another thing I have just observed these is a power cord draped across the top of the column heater. It appears it may be plugged into the power too. That means it could easily be switched on. Many people don’t realised that if it is involved in a fire in any way your insurance will not pay anything at all if a claim is made. Even if it didn’t cause the fire if it catches fire it would mist likely explode. They should be banned. They do not save cost of power bills over the cost of reverse cycling airconditioning