Mum Introduces The F**ket Bucket For Kids And Parents Are Loving It!

Mum Introduces The F**ket Bucket For Kids And Parents Are Loving It!
There’s nothing parents love more than a good parenting hack, well except for a good night’s sleep and an endless supply of wine, but seriously we all know that’s never going to happen!
One of the biggest gripes parents have about kids is the amount of junk that comes along with them. Yes I know we’re the ones responsible for the accumulation of this junk but seriously, how hard is it for these little kidlets to keep their stuff from taking over the whole house! I kid you not, I’ve found lego pieces in places where no plastic brick should ever be!
Now one mum has come up with a genius idea that she’s named the F**cket Bucket! And yes, it’s exactly what you imagine it to be.
Jessica McGinty of Mishmash Moments got each of her kids a “f*cket bucket and as she explained on Facebook it’s a place for parents to place all their kid’s junk that’s lying around the house.
But here’s the genius part! If those buckets are not emptied by the end of the night all contents will be thrown in the bin!
“If they leave it laying around, it goes in their bucket,” she said. “If it’s still there at bedtime it goes in the bin because f*cket if I’m cleaning it up.”
How good is that? Seriously, there is no bigger motivation for kids putting their Lego away than the threat of it ending up in the wheelie bin.
People loved the F**cket Bucket so much that they immediately started tagging their partners and kids in the post.
I’m guessing it would only take one time of ‘throwing’ your kids stuff away before they realise you mean business. And for anyone who thinks tossing stuff away is mean you can always donate the toys, or simply put them in hiding for a few months before giving them back to your child. Up to you!
And if you have a partner who’s always leaving his stuff lying around then I would definitely introduce the F**ket Bucket for them too!
Have you got a nifty parenting hack to share?
Images: Facebook and Instagram