Mum Left Confused After Receiving Abuse Online For Sharing Her Daughter’s Quick Meal!

Mum Left Confused After Receiving Abuse Online For Sharing Her Daughter’s Quick Meal!
A mum excitedly shared a photo of a meal her fussy child ate only to be overwhelmed with an onslaught of abusive messages about the food combination.
Lauren Denholm knew she had a fussy eater on her hands so she was super happy to discover her daughter finally loved one of the meals she made her.
Mixing together macaroni cheese and Heinz tomato soup, the Scottish mum says she was eager to share it on Facebook in the hopes it may help other parents.
To her horror though, the meal was called ‘manly’ ’ by more than one commenter on social media. All she had done was mixed the instant cheese pasta with a tin of cream of tomato soup after seeing another mum make it on Snapchat.
Seems people had issues with this particular food combo. Seriously?!
The mum says her four year old daughter saw a photo of the pasta dish and said she wanted to try it. To her surprise she loved it and ate it all up!
Thinking other parents would love to try the recipe for themselves, the mum shared it to her Facebook page where it was met with a number of disgusting comments, most from parents. One even called the mum-of-two “manky”.
“What sort of wrong yin type of creature would do that! F******g boggin,” said one person.
Another disgustingly stated: “Paedo food that.”
“Manky Wuman,” wrote another.
While another admitted to having their morning completely ruined: “It is 10.21am on a Monday morning and my WEEK has been ruined. That is absolutely honkatonk. Sitting here ragin. Get this idea so far south away from me.”
Lauren says she was beyond shocked at how vocal people were. I mean it was just pasta and soup!
“I get it, some people don’t like certain food combinations. Fine. But the abuse I got was absolutely appalling. Why on earth are people so, so angry about it?” she said. “They are accusing me of all sorts of bizarre behaviour but they are the ones making vile comments about a wee girl. The should get a grip.”
Indeed they should! Thankfully there were some lovely comments also by those who appreciate just how delicious pasta is!
“That looks class!!! What a game changer,” said one mum.
While a second wrote: “Add grated cheese on top tastes even better.”
Yessss!! Cheese makes everything better…am I right?
Images: Facebook