Mum Shares Hilarious Horror Story After Her Son Found Her Thong Stuck on His Pant Leg at School

Mum Shares Hilarious Horror Story After Her Son Found Her Thong Stuck on His Pant Leg at School
A mum has shared a hilarious horror story of how her thong underwear got stuck to her son’s pant leg at school last week.
Heather M. Nicholson related her embarrassing tale in a Facebook post detailing the incident, which involved her young son Hunter, static cling, and a pair of her underpants.
The young mum began by explaining that she had just picked up Hunter after school, who was eager to tell her about something that happened in class.
“Momma, something funny happened today.”
Me: “Oh yeah? What’s that?”
*He starts rolling up his pant leg and pulls out my THONG!*
“I found this during music class!”
YOU GUYS my freaking thong was static clinged to the inside of his pant leg!
He said he panicked and just shoved it back up there and left it all day because he thought I would want it back!
Then he said he kept pretending to tie his shoe all day to shove them back up his pant leg.
After I caught my breath, I snatched them back and said “THANKS, SON!”
I mean, if you don’t save your moms thong, are you even a mommas boy?
Now if that isn’t the stuff of nightmares, I don’t know what is!
This is a valuable lesson to all of us to carefully check the contents of our family’s clothing when we take them out of the dryer. Make sure all of your smalls are accounted for, ladies! Let this be a warning to all of us!
Heather helpfully added another little PSA for all of the yowlers claiming that her underpants were not, in fact, a thong. Why they’d find the need to point that out in the first place is truly beyond rational thought, but her explanation was equally well-received never the less.
Heather’s post has been shared nearly 290,000 times, and yielded more than 301,000 reactions.
While browsing Reddit last night, I came across this hilarious image that I thought I’d share. There’s not a great deal else to say about it so please just enjoy.
Remember that important lesson, ladies! Always account for your skimpies!
Source: Facebook/Heather M. Nicholson and Imgur